Uma nginoMshuwalense Wokuvikela Ibhalansi Ye-akhawunti yase-Truworths ngiyavuma ukuboshwa yimigomo nemibandela yepholisi yomshuwalense othintekayo otholakala uma ngiwucela nakuwebhusayithi ye-Truworths ( Truworths has maintained its strict account risk approval criteria, while the percentage of account applications resulting in opened accounts improved to 25% (2017: 24%). You can pay using any of the following payment options: Truworths account card, Visa card (both credit and debit), Mastercard (both credit and debit) I recieved an sms telling me lawyers have submited a notice of non-payment to XDS because I did not reply to an sms sent about my Truworths account. 101 [protected] I have been at home since the Covid19 outbreak. Verwys asseblief na die Maksimum Rentekoersheffing in klousule Ngiyaqonda ukuthi ulwazi lwami oluyimfihlo nolwezikweletu lungase lusetshenziswe yi-Truworths ngenjongo yokukhangisa nokweseka nokuhlaziya nokubala izingcuphe kanye nezinjongo ezivamile zebhizinisi zakwa-Truworths. CO2007/5848 (if my Account is opened in Botswana), No. I understand that Truworths may at its discretion increase this Credit Limit temporarily in response to a request from me in order to accommodate specific purchases that would result in my exceeding this Credit Limit. Ngiyavisisa kutsi uma ngabe ngivule I-akhawunti yami eNingizimu Afrika, iTruworths ikhetse Silinganisontalo Lesikhulu lesincunywe nguMtsetfo waVelonkhe weTikweleti, noma Umtsetfo weKubolekisa ngeMali ngeSilinganisontalo lesikhulu esehlakalweni sema-akhawunti lavulwe ngembi kwamhla lulunye (1) Inhlaba 2007, njengesilinganisontalo lesincumako (silinganisontalo lesincuma letinye tilinganisontalo) senjongo yekuncuma Silinganiso Lesivunyiwe lesisebenta ku-Akhawunti yami. The payment due is the monthly instalment (determined with reference to the payment plan(s) applicable to my Account) plus any arrear amounts together with interest and permissible fees charged thereon. It hereby provides such additional information not set out above, as is required by section 27 of the Consumer Protection Act and regulation 9 of the Regulations thereto. 34 of 2005 (the “National Credit Act”) and the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (the “Consumer Protection Act”), if applicable, and any other applicable legislation, and in the case of a conflict between any legislation and these terms and conditions the legislation will prevail. Changes to interest and charges: we may vary (or introduce) any interest rates, charges or fees at our discretion and upon written notice to you at any time in accordance with Clause 8 of the Retail Credit Terms and Conditions. Inchubo lefanele kutsi ilandzelwe ngulena: yase No. Ke utlwisisa hore haeba ke sa etse tefello ka letsatsi le jwalo le behilweng, tswala e eketsehileng e tla lefiswa. Ngingasebenzisa Ikhadi lami ukuthenga izingubo ngezinhlelo zokukhokha ezihlukene ezitholakala ezweni engivule kulo i-Akhawunti yami futhi ezithintekayo ekuthengeni okunjalo njengoba kunqunywe yi-Truworths ngokombono wayo ozimele ngesikhathi sokuthenga. Account no: *****44485 was paid on 29/08/2015 R800.00 a wrong account was credited which also reflected on my profile. ♣ Freedom to shop the latest fashion over 6 months … providing us with an incorrect cell phone number, email or postal address or as a result of circumstances over which Truworths has no control. 492 (indien my Rekening in Namibië geopen is); Ngaphezu kwalokho, uMkhawulo Wesikweletu sami ungenyuswa ngokuzenzekelayo njalo ngonyaka, inqobo nje uma ngivumile ukuthi kwenziweukwenyuswa okunjalo ngokuzenzekelayo. ♣ You get R1000** Fashion Vouchers** when your account is opened. Nka nna, ka nako efe kapa efe, ka fetisetsa tletlebo e mabapi le Tumellano ena ho moemedi wa tharollo ya dikgohlano ya fapaneng, lekgotla la bareki kapa kapa fetisetsa kganyetsano e mabapi le Tumellano ena ya Mokitlane ho Monamodi wa Mekitlane, Khomishene ya Naha ya Bareki kapa Molaodi wa Mekitlane haeba akhaonto ya ka e butswe Afrika Borwa, kapa setheong kapa bolaoding bofe kapa bofe bo lokelehang kahara naha eo ke butseng akhaonto ya ka ho yona. Verified customer On the 14th of July I received an email from Truworths to say I'm in arrears by ONE MONTH. Ho Thibela Tswala Diakhaontong tse Saletseng Morao ka Ditefello. We acknowledge your frustration regarding communications about the status of your Truworths account. This review was posted by a verified customer. In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this Credit Agreement are for any reason held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability will not affect any other provision of this Credit Agreement, which will be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been included, and the Credit Agreement will be given effect as nearly as possible according to its original terms and intent. Ek begryp dat rente van tyd tot tyd op my Rekening se daagliks verskuldigde saldo bereken word, en dat ek die hoeveelheid rente wat op my Rekening gehef word, kan minimaliseer deur my betaalbare bedrae ten volle teen die betaaldatum, soos uiteengesit op my maandelikse rekeningstaat, te vereffen. Uma ngabe Likhadi lami lintjontjiwe, ngitawatisa sitolo sami sendzawo sakaTruworths masinyane noma ngishayele Lucingo lweKusita Emakhasimende ku: +27 (0)21 460 2300 +27 (0)21 460 2300. Uma ngabe ngikubikile loko kutsenga, iTruworths angeke ingibeke licala ngaphandle uma ngabe isayini yami ikhona kule-inivoyisi noma lobunye bufakazi bekutsenga noma iTruworths itfola kutsi ngikugunyatile lokutsenga noma-ke kutsenge mine. The National Credit Act stipulates the Maximum Interest Rate that may be charged in South Africa with reference to the repo rate, which is determined from time to time by the SA Reserve Bank. ITruworths ngekubona kwayo ingenta kutsi Umshwalensi weKuvikela Ibhalansi ye-Akhawunti (i-ABP-C) ube yintfo lesibopho sekutsi ube ne-Akhawunti yakaTruworths. irrespective of whether or not credit is in fact granted) are automatically regarded as participants in the LP unless they elect not to by advising Truworths accordingly. Truworths' public officer is Annalize Kirsten, who can be contacted on +27 (0)21 460 7911 +27 (0)21 460 7911. kanye nakuletinye tikhungo tetikweleti iTruworths lengatsintsana nayo ngetikhatsi letitsite. Truworths e tla ntumella ho kgutlisa kapa ho fapanyetsana ka thepa e rekilweng nakong ya matsatsi a 30 ho tloha letsatsing la theko ha feela: Truworths e tla dumella pusetso e feletseng ka mokgwa o neng o sebedisitswe wa theko kapa e kenye tjhelete Akhaontong ya Truworths haeba: Diaparo tsa kahare, dikarete tsa mpho, moya wa selefounu (prepaid), mabenyane a kenngwang mmeleng (ho kenyeletswa masale), le dimaske tsa sefahleho kaofela ha di kgutliswe. I understand that if I opened my Account outside of South Africa the reference rate will be the maximum rate prescribed by the relevant legislation in the country where my Account was opened. Zonke izindleko ezihlobene nokudluliselwa kwe-Akhawunti yami enkampanini eqoqa izikweletu ukuze ifune izimali ezisilele. Ngiyaqonda ukuthi i-Truworths ngokombono wayo ingenyusa lo Mkhawulo Wesikweletu okwesikhashana ngenxa yesicelo sami, ukuze ngikwazi ukuthenga izimpahla ezithile ebeziyokwenza ukuba ngeqele ngalé kwalo Mkhawulo Wesikweletu. If the account balance is less than $10, then the balance becomes payable. Isikweletu Sami (“I-akhawunti” yami) izonikezwa umkhawulo wesikweletu ophezulu (“Umkhawulo Wesikweletu”) njengoba unqunywe yi-Truworths, futhi ngokuvumelana nezidingo zoMthetho Wezikweletu Kazwelonke eNingizimu Afrika, kanye nemibandela yemithetho ethintekayo efanele kwamanye amazwe. Ngiyacinisekisa kutsi ngalesikhatsi ngifaka sicelo se-Akhawunti yami yaseTruworths simo sami setikweleti besingekho ngaphasi kwekuhlolwa noma kubuyeketwa ngumeluleki wetikweleti njengoba kuhlosiwe kusigaba se-86 seMtsetfo waVelonkhe weTikweleti. Ek begryp dat Truworths my ’n jaarlikse diensfooi vir roetine-administrasie sal vra, en dat dit my tans geregtig maak op die Bedrogbeskermingsvoordeel. Ek begryp dat Truworths na goeddunke ’n Rekeninglimiet (die “Rekeninglimiet”) aan my beskikbaar kan stel wat laer Truworths reserves the right to charge me an initiation fee upon opening my Account (the amount of which will be specified in the Quotation and may be paid by me upfront instead of being added to my balance owing). Cellphone and cellular accessory purchases on my Truworths Account will only be allowed after six (6) months from the date of opening the account and only if Truworths merchandise has been purchased regularly on such account. Rekeninglimiet oorskry. Any data about me to which Truworths becomes entitled in terms of this agreement can be made available to any prospective purchaser or transferred to any party should Truworths either sell its business to such party or if such party obtains control over Truworths. Sikweleti sami (“I-akhawunti” yami) itawunikwa umkhawulo wesikweleti lomkhulu (“Umkhawulo weSikweleti”) njengobe uncunywe yiTruworths, ngekuhambisana nalokufunwa nguMtsetfo waVelonkhe weTikweleti eNingizimu Afrika, kanye netinjongo letifanele temtsetfo losebentako kulamanye emave. With regard to this Agreement and all transactions with Truworths, South African law applies. Ngiyaqonda ukuthi nganoma yisiphi isikhathi ngingakhokhela iSivumelwano Sesikweletu e-Truworths ngaphambi kwesikhathi ngokukhokhela i-Truworths inani engilikweletayo ngosuku lokukhokha isikweletu. Voorkoming van Rente op Agterstallige Rekenings. no. Truworths Limited: Reg. If I was not over-indebted at the time that this Credit Facility was concluded, then the debt counsellor will terminate the review process and my obligations to Truworths will continue. Ngiyaqonda ukuthi nganoma yisiphi isikhathi ngingaxhumana nenhlangano yezikweletu futhi ngicele ukuba ngitshelwe ngolwazi lwami lwezikweletu. Ngiyavisisa kutsi iTruworths ngekubona kwayo ingangentela Umkhawulo we-Akhawunti (“Umkhawulo we-Akhawunti”) ube wemali lencane kuneMkhawulo weSikweleti lenginikwe wona njengoba kubekiwe endzimeni ye-2.1 ngetulu. Esehlakalweni lapho khona munye noma ngetulu yemibandzela lecuketfwe kuSivumelwano seSikweleti kuyenteka kutsi nganoma ngusiphi sizatfu itsatfwa ngekutsi ayisebenti, ayikho emtsetfweni noma ayiciniseki nganoma ngabe nguyiphi lenye indlela, njengekungalungi, kungabi semtsetfweni noma kungaciniseki angeke kutsintse leminye imigomo yaleSivumelwano seSikweleti, lokutawutsatfwa sengatsi ngumgomo longasebenti, longekho emtsetfweni noma longaciniseki longatange uphetfwe, futsi leSivumelwano seSikweleti sitawucala kusebenta ngekuya kwemibandzela nenhloso yaso yekucala. I understand that interest is calculated on the daily balance owing on my Account from time to time and that I can minimise the amount of interest charged to my Account by making my payments due in full by the payment due date as specified on my monthly statement of account. On the 14th July 2010 I received a call from Munich Basson teeling me that my account was handed over to them and that I must pay up. Provided that I have reported such purchase(s), Truworths will not hold me liable unless my signature appears on the invoice or other proof of purchase or Truworths can establish that I authorised or was responsible for the purchase(s). verhogings. I did however pay something as per monthly arrangements. Great was my surprise as i went back to the bank just to be told that nothing was done and because of that i could not get a loan. inligting ek aan Truworths sal verskaf wanneer die Bekostigbaarheidsevaluering gedoen word. Ngekubona kweTruworths imali yesevisi yemnyaka ingakhuliswa ngetikhatsi letitsite kuphela nje uma ngabe angeke yendlule lizinga lelikhulu lelincunywe nguMtsetfo waVelonkhe weTikweleti, uma kusebenta. Noma yiluphi ushintsho olunjalo lweSivumelwano Sesikweletu kufanele kuvunyelwane ngalo phakathi kwami ne-Truworths futhi lubhalwe phansi. Yep, don’t know what I was thinking? Ek begryp dat Truworths die Maksimum Rentekoers wat deur die Nasionale Kredietwet of, in die geval van rekenings wat voor 1 Junie 2007 geopen is, die Woekerwet voorgeskryf word, as die verwysingskoers gekies het om die Ooreengekome Koers wat vir my Rekening geld te bepaal, indien ek my Rekening in Suid-Afrika geopen het. A default administration charge should my Account be in arrears or should I be in breach of this agreement, and any collection costs that Truworths may incur in enforcing my monetary obligations under this agreement including legal charges which will not exceed those allowed by the Attorneys Act, Supreme Court Act, Magistrates Court Act and the Debt Collectors Act, if applicable. Box 2898Harare. Ngiyaqonda ukuthi kufanele ngitshele i-Truworths uma aMandla ami Okukhokha eshintsha (eba bucayi) ngemva kokuhlaziywa kokuqala kwaMandla Okukhokha ngesikhathi uMkhawulo Wesikweletu sami unqunywa okokuqala. no. STAY IN TOUCH. Haeba ho se tjhelete e jwalo e kolotwang, ke utlwisisa hore ke tlameha ho tsebisa Truworths ka maikemisetso a ka a ho fedisa Tumellano ya Mokitlane. Rente word soos volg op my Rekening gehef en moontlik kwytgeskeld: Truworths sal vir my ’n maandelikse rekeningstaat stuur na die posadres wat in die Kwotasie of in die Aansoek gespesifiseer is, of na ’n ander adres indien ek Truworths moontlik later daarvan in kennis stel; die inligting op die rekeningstaat sal onder meer die saldo wat op die staatdatum verskuldig is, die maandelikse paaiement, die betaalbare rentebedrag, die totale betaalbare bedrag en die betaaldatum insluit. Ngiyavisisa kutsi lenye yetinzuzo tami lengifanele kuyitfola ngekukhokhela imali yesevisi yemnyaka yiNzuzo yeKuvikela Inkhohlakalo. However, it faces a constrained local consumer and has one in five account customers are in arrears, up from 13% the year before. 1940/013923/06 (if my Account is opened in South Africa); Truworths (Namibia) Limited: Reg. Truworths Limited: Inombolo yokubhaliswa 1940/013923/06 (uma i-akhawunti yami yavulwa eNingizimu Afrika); Truworths (Namibia) Limited: Inombolo yokubhaliswa 492 (uma i-akhawunti yami yavulwa eNamibia); Truworths (Swaziland) Limited: Inombolo yokubhaliswa 108/1961 (uma i-akhawunti yami yavulwa eSwazini); Truworths Botswana (Pty) Limited: Inombolo yokubhaliswa CO2007/5848 (uma i-akhawunti yami yavulwa eBotswana), No.

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