This process will fulfil the statutory requirements to carry out a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) as well as an Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA). The creation of a further settlement in this part of the former coalfield will undermine the regeneration initiatives in existing coalfield settlements. Newark and Sherwood District Council Final Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment received. 02 The application site lies in an area of no further intensification of development as identified by Policy H22 of the Newark and Sherwood Local Plan. The mix of uses proposed has been carefully considered to ensure that a comprehensive, appropriate and sustainable development is delivered. The Integrated Impact Assessment Scoping Report (PDF File, 3,716kb) was published for consultation alongside the Issues Paper and this has resulted in an Post consultation IIA Scoping Report (PDF File, 4,316kb) being produced. Further details on the review are available on the page below. Nottinghamshire County Council Third Local Transport Plan (2011) This Plan is made up of two documents – the Local Transport Plan strategy and the Implementation Plan. Castle House Eligibility & Governance Action Evidence Agreed ... main one being Improving the health and well-being of local residents which this project underpins. We're Newark and Sherwood District Council. where future development should be located), new affordable housing policies and a range of other minor changes to current planning policy. The Coal Authority welcomes the proposed introduction of new Policy ShAP 4 Land at former Thoresby Colliery to enable the appropriate reuse of the former colliery as part of a strategic mixed use site within the District. The paper set out the scope of our review, the issues we had identified as important and potential approaches to addressing them. Newark and Sherwood District is a domiciliary care service, registered to provide personal care to people living in their own homes in the community. Newark and Sherwood District Council is asking for residents’ views on its approach to parking standards and design of such provision for new-builds. ‌‌Through the Plan Review we are seeking to ensure that the allocations and policies in our Core Strategy and Allocations & Development Management DPDs continue to be appropriate, up-to-date and effective. The Plan Review can play a critical role in bringing forward brownfield land. The development proposals reflect the requirements of emerging Policy SHaP4, and the emerging policy, technical work and planning application have been developed in tandem as a result of extensive pre-application discussions with Newark and Sherwood District Council and other stakeholders. You can view the paper, its statement of consultation, the comments received and the supporting documents specific to this stage of the Plan Review below. I feel the redevelopment of Thoresby Colliery will greatly improve the setting of Sherwood Forest Country Park and Edwinstowe / Thoresby Hall Conservation Areas. Great North Road Following the Adoption of the Amended Core Strategy (see below), the remaining elements of the Plan Review (made up of the allocations and Development Management policies in the Allocations & Development Management DPD) will now need to be progressed; along with a new strategy and allocations to meet the future housing need of Gypsy and Travellers in the District. However consideration should be given to adding the land shown on the attached plan to the allocation in order to create a suitable bridge between the existing settlement and the new development on the colliery site. Local authority type NMD (Non-metropolitan district) Website Should you have any queries then please direct these to, though please note responses may take longer than usual. We are working with local authorities in the Nottingham Outer and Nottingham Core Housing Market Areas considering cross boundary matters and the evidence base for the emerging plan. This site was not previously available and as a major developed site within the countryside it is worthy of redevelopment. The association, which supports clubs and businesses that help develop sport in the Newark area, said the sports hub’s latest news is on track to bringing it closer to completion. Whilst we are not proposing the making of new housing, employment or retail allocations through this review it is still possible to submit land for assessment and inclusion as part of the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment. We're Newark and Sherwood District Council. LDF1 Statement of Community Involvement (March 2015) (PDF File, 793kb). Supporting Documents specific to the Issues Paper: Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2015) (PDF File, 642kb). We SUPPORT IN PRINCIPLE the proposal to include Land at the Former Thoresby Colliery Edwinstowe as a Strategic Site’. We're Newark and Sherwood District Council. 645 talking about this. LD1 Newark & Sherwood Local Plan. The Next Step: Defining Our Emerging Priorities The Newark and Sherwood Health and Wellbeing Partnership’s ultimate aim is to make Newark and Sherwood a healthier and more sustainable place. PRESENT: Councillor D Payne (Chairman) 1,495 talking about this. one that has been developed already) as the government wants to implement new simplified planning rules on such sites. In broad terms we support the continued recognition of the role of Southwell, whilst recognising that the site at the former Minster cannot be delivered for housing, a replacement site should be identified in Southwell. Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach Strategy (PDF File, 3,418kb), ‌Strategic Housing Market Assessment Addendum (PDF File, 249kb), ‌Employment Land Feasibility Study (PDF File, 7,022kb)‌, Housing Market and Needs Assessment (PDF File, 4,041kb)‌, Housing Market Needs Sub Area Report (PDF File, 713kb)‌, Affordable Housing Viability Considerations (PDF File, 281kb)‌, Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment (June 2016) (PDF File, 660kb)‌, Planning Advisory Service Core Strategy Review (PDF File, 117kb)‌. We are particularly keen to hear if you have a brownfield site (i.e. The development proposals have evolved as a result of the completion of detailed technical studies, pre-application discussions with Newark and Sherwood District Council and also as a result of extensive public consultation with the local community and stakeholders, which has included stakeholder workshops and a public exhibition. 1,420 talking about this. List of answers to the specified question; Response Option Text Date #539435 (57(13)) Representation No.13 – Question 13 Southwell. new development towards Newark and the main settlements, the proposal would constitute an unsustainable form of development that would be contrary to Policies H13 and FS1. Draft amendments to the Core Strategy Development Plan Docuument. An alternative strategy should be adopted which directs housing growth to existing sustainable settlements thereby supporting existing facilities and promoting housing growth in areas of highest market demand and sustainability. Having reviewed the comments received on the Issues Paper and brought together the necessary evidence base we consulted on the first part of the 'Preferred Approach' stage in summer / autumn 2016. Find out more about the Local Development Framework (LDF), neighbourhood planning and local studies Community Infrastructure Levy CIL is the charge levied at new developments in order to pay for the infrastructure needed to support the new development An up-to-date understanding of available sites will help us to focus on delivering the development the government is seeking. The mitigation by design incorporated into the scheme as set out in the application will adequately mitigate any impact on Sherwood Forest Potential Special Protection Area (ppSPA) and no significant impacts are expected. Hello! Hello! While there is no statutory obligation to undertake a Health Impact Assessment (HIA), this is a recognised process for considering the health impacts of plans and is widely seen as best practice. Strategic Housing & Employment Land Availability Assessment: Strategic Housing & Employment Availability Assessment (2017) (PDF File, 1,048kb)‌‌. As a result of the measures introduced to tackle Covid-19 the work on the review of the Allocations & Development Management DPD will be unable to be progressed onto the next stage of public consultation in the foreseeable future. Wikidata Q73072684. The Preferred Approach IIA is available to view in the Preferred Approach section of this webpage. The public is being asked to have their say on the future of parking provision for new homes across the district. The Council would also discourage the submission of land which has been the subject of a recent dismissal at appeal. The plan should consider whether it is appropriate to phase the release of employment land at Thoresby behind that at Bilsthorpe to avoid two uncompleted employment sites. Newark & Sherwood Plan Review - Publication Amended Core Strategy Closed. Annual Internal Audit Opinion 22. The detailed design and layout of the development will follow at a later stage; however, the illustrative masterplan (Appendix 1) demonstrates how the layout could be configured to deliver a high quality and attractive mixed use development. Newark and Sherwood District Council. NEWARK AND SHERWOOD DISTRICT COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of Planning Committee held in the Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Notts, NG24 1BY on Tuesday, 6 March 2018 at 4.00 pm. Yorke Drive / Bowbridge Road Policy Area . The emerging Local Plan Strategic approach. Organisation. LDF2 Developer Contributions SPD (PDF File, 774kb). The Local Plan Review and the IIA will take account of and where appropriate be in line with this document. This contributes to an understanding of the potential availability of land in the District, and may be drawn on as part of future Development Plan work. A key part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) is the Amended Core Strategy DPD (March 2019) (PDF File, 15,555kb).This document sets out the big issues that the council and our public and private sector partners need to address over the next twenty years in our district. Newark and Sherwood's lockdown plans to be drawn up by Nottinghamshire County Council. Please note that the additional sites in the SHELAA Addendum 2017 are in Bilsthorpe, Collingham and South Scarle: Strategic Housing & Employment Availability Assessment - Addendum (2017) (PDF File, 434kb)‌, (See Figure 1 in the Main Text above for a plan showing the Sub-areas), Newark and Rural South Sub-Area (1) Assessments (PDF File, 8,813kb)‌‌, Collingham Sub-Area (2) Assessments (PDF File, 777kb)‌‌, Rural North Sub-Area (3) Assessments (PDF File, 541kb)‌‌, Mansfield Fringe Sub-area Assessments (PDF File, 4,356kb)‌‌, Nottingham Fringe Sub-area Assessments (PDF File, 888kb)‌‌, Sherwood Area Sub-area Assessments (PDF File, 4,688kb)‌‌, Southwell Area Sub-area Assessments (PDF File, 1,575kb)‌‌. The finalised Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (Feb 2020) (PDF File, 2,029kb) has now been received, and its findings are being considered at the Economic Development Committee meeting on the 9th September 2020. The air quality modelling has now been undertaken and the results confirm that there will be no significant impacts on the ppSPA or the Special Protection Area (SAC). Policies Map. Through the assessment pitch requirements have been recommended to cover the period 2013-33. I feel it is important that any proposed development of the former colliery maintains and improves its surrounding natural and built heritage. Newark and Sherwood Places to Ride Action Plan Section 1. Representations were sought on the Publication Amended Core Strategy between July and September 2017, with the DPD being submitted to the Secretary of State at the end of that month. Mixed Use Allocation (inc. Housing) Newark Urban Area Phasing Policy ... Newark & Sherwood Local Development Framework - Policies Map. Plan Review Local Development Scheme As a result of the measures introduced to tackle Covid-19 the work on the review of the Allocations & Development Management DPD will be unable to be progressed onto the next stage of public consultation in the foreseeable future. We are intending to follow the Issues Paper consultation with further consultation on proposed detailed changes in October and November this year. It should be noted that as part of updating the general housing and employment section of the Allocations & Development Management DPD we are not intending to identify any new allocations, other than that for gypsy and traveller accommodation. The consultation document and its supporting documents can be viewed through the links below. Newark Sports Association (NSA) has welcomed the latest announcements by the YMCA. The 'Preferred Approach to Strategy' set out our preferred approach to new development targets, based on the latest evidence, a refined spatial strategy (i.e. More detail on the production of the Amended Core Strategy and its examination can be found on the Amended CS DPD - examination webpage. Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach (July 2017) (PDF File, 892kb), Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach - Appendix 4 (July 2017) (PDF File, 657kb)‌, Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach - Appendix 5 (July 2017) (PDF File, 1,211kb)‌, Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach (January 2017) (PDF File, 1,050kb), Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach (Jan 2017) - Appendix 4 (PDF File, 738kb)‌, Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach (Jan 2017) - Appendix 5 (PDF File, 1,230kb), Habitats Regulations Assessment - Appropriate Assessments (PDF File, 1,573kb)‌, Habitats Regulations Assessment - Screening Report (PDF File, 1,619kb), Habitats Regulations Assessment - Rescreening (PDF File, 1,728kb)‌, Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan (PDF File, 13,662kb)‌, Town Centre & Retail Study (Main Text) (PDF File, 3,140kb)‌, Town Centre & Retail Study (Appendices) (PDF File, 8,026kb), Water Cycle Study Update (PDF File, 4,862kb)‌. Following the 'preferred approach stage' it became necessary to uncouple the Plan Review, and so the review of the Core Strategy was progressed ahead of that of the Allocations & Development Management DPD. Please see the note at the top of this webpage. The housing element at Thoresby Colliery should be in addition to and not in place of reductions in Newark. This has been used to inform the production of the Preferred Approach stage. Youth Service delivery programme and community plan Health for Kids/Health for Teens/Notts Help Yourself Ollerton Outreach – Wellbeing Wednesday ... healthy travel linked to Newark town centre businesses and Wellbeing at work award Back to sport sessions Should you have any queries then please direct these to The Partnership agrees that it is everyone’s responsibility to make the … "In Newark and Sherwood… Newark In 2019 the district council declared a climate emergency and is now undertaking a carbon reduction action plan. If you have previously submitted a site then it is not necessary to do so again. As part of such a strategic site it is imperative that it delivers significant community benefits, including a country park on the colliery spoil heap to take pressure off the adjacent SAC and major enhancement of the A614 Ollerton roundabout. The first stage in the process has been the production of the IIA Scoping Report which identifies relevant plans, policies and programmes, sets out the baseline social, environmental, economic, equalities and health characteristics of the District and draws from this to define a framework with which to undertake the integrated impact assessment of the plan review moving forwards. Organisation local-authority-eng:NEA. The Settlements and Sites paper set out our preferred approach to future development in various settlements across the district and for the sites necessary to deliver planned growth. The planning application is also accompanied by a full suite of technical documents and an illustrative masterplan that together demonstrate that this quantum of development can be accommodated on site. I strongly support the remediation and redevelopment of the former colliery site, including the creation of green space and nature / wildlife habitat creation and the provision of community facilities within the proposed development. We are also concerned that additional employment provision at Thoresby Colliery does not stifle the delivery of the remaining parts of Bilsthorpe Colliery site also owned by Harworth Estates. Improving the cleanliness and appearance of the local environment Comments can be made online, by completing and returning a comments form by email to or via post to Newark & Sherwood District Council - Planning Policy Business Unit, Growth & Regeneration, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1BY. Newark and Sherwood District Council and Local Groups. The Issues Paper and its supporting documents are available for comment between 8th July - 19th August 2019. Pegasus Group act on behalf of Harworth Group PLC in relation to their interests at Thoresby Colliery. The first part demonstrates the broad ways in which Newark and Sherwood District Council will work towards its environmental ambitions, as set out in the Community Plan. Sustainability appraisal is an ongoing process undertaken throughout the preparation of a plan or strategy. However should you wish to submit land for consideration for gypsy and traveller use then this can be done through completing and returning the G&T Site Submission Form [297kb]. The service had a manager registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Notts Paragraph 6.35 of the Preferred Options Version Local Plan provides a review of the current status of site allocations for Bilsthorpe allocated in the Newark and Sherwood Allocations and Development Management DPD. One of the core principles of the NPPF is to encourage the effective use of land by reusing land that has been previously developed. In our view the masterplan outline put forward by Harworth Estates in the public consultation event earlier this year does not provide sufficient integration and linkages into Edwinstowe. The Local Development Scheme will be updated, and a new programme made available once we are in a position to do so. Land East of Newark NAP 2B, Land around Fernwood NAP 2C, SP5) Housing Allocation. An integral part of the plan review process will be its 'Integrated Impact Assessment' (IIA). The Policies Map identifies the policies and proposals set out in our Local Development Framework. New Local Plan New Local Plan Options Consultation. Local Plan about areas of agreements (and or areas of disagreement) between the ... • Newark and Sherwood District Council ... area as part of its emerging Local Plan. The consultation papers and their supporting documentation can be viewed below. Its purpose is to assess how well the emerging policies or proposals will achieve environmental, social and economic objectives. Together with our education partners, we are working on launching projects that make qualifications, training and routes to employment accessible to more people in Newark and Sherwood. Following completion of the examination hearings in February 2018 a period of consultation on the modifications necessary to make the Plan sound was carried out between August and September 2018. The entire county, along with neighbouring Derbyshire and Derby City, are covered Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (Feb 2020) (PDF File, 2,029kb), Planning PolicyCastle HouseGreat North RoadNewarkNottsNG24 1BY, Castle HouseGreat North RoadNewarkNottsNG24 1BY, and its supporting documents are available for comment between, Moving or vacating premises (Business rates), Winthorpe and Langford Neighbourhood Plan, Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (Feb 2020), Preferred Approach – Sites and Settlements, Preferred Approach – Town Centre and Retail, Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach (July 2017), Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach - Appendix 4 (July 2017), Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach - Appendix 5 (July 2017), Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach (January 2017), Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach (Jan 2017) - Appendix 4, Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach (Jan 2017) - Appendix 5, Habitats Regulations Assessment - Appropriate Assessments, Habitats Regulations Assessment - Screening Report, Habitats Regulations Assessment - Rescreening, Strategic Housing & Employment Availability Assessment (2017), Strategic Housing & Employment Availability Assessment - Addendum (2017), Newark and Rural South Sub-Area (1) Assessments, Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Preferred Approach Strategy, Strategic Housing Market Assessment Addendum, Affordable Housing Viability Considerations, Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment (June 2016), Planning Advisory Service Core Strategy Review, Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2015), Integrated Impact Assessment Scoping Report.

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