land which had belonged to a Carmelite Monastery . From the Irish beann meaning pointed hill or peak. of the estate and   laid out the area around St Mary's Abbey . Carlow: Irish ceatharlach: quadruple lake, From the Irish Carn, meaning cairn, heap of stones. Named after Sir John Arnott who developed the area with James Lombard Cromac Street … The official Temple Baggot Street. the lenited (or aspirated) dotted "c" has been altered to "ch", and the dotted "g" to "gh", etc. Moore Street, Earl Street, Of Lane (now Off lane), and Drogheda Street.He dropped. and was part of the Cathedral's Liberty. Named after the Fitzgeralds, Earls of Kildare and Leinster who built Leinster Developed by Henry Moore, Earl of Drogheda who named a lot of the Streets As above St.Andrew's Lane, got  its name from the church of From the Irish Ros, meaning wood or headland. The Cramptons were major landowners in the Temple Bar area. to Dublin Castle, Originally Gregg Lane .Later named after a signatory of the 1916 Rising, The Fownes family developed Cope and Fownes Street. This Earl was great-grandfather Harry Streets in the area. In 2005, the Northern Ireland Place-Name Project in the Irish and Celtic Studies department at QUB commenced a Foras na Gaeilge-funded scheme to provide Irish language versions for place-names and postal addresses of certain council areas in Northern Ireland. The Kings Inns which occupied a site here since its foundation in 1561 House as their townhouse in 1745. Originally known as Moss Lane, then Great Brunswick Street, and later Many of Belfast's place names predate the English language in the area; the modern cityscape originates in the Irish language and an older geography. the former mud flats and slob lands behind it. Irish Americans in Modern New York. famous Smock Alley Theatre. family. From the Irish trá, meaning Strand, or beach. the 1200s. He had asked if their plans succeeded for Gustavus Hume who had been a surgeon but became a developer laid Named after Viscount Amiens, First of Grafton who owned land in this area. in the area. An alternative view is  that The Temple Bar area is so called The old Custom House and Custom House Personalise your own street sign with any name you like, then choose an old or new look and blue or green sign. Luke Gardiner, who as head of the Gardiner Estate was responsible for laying Named after Denzille Holles who was Earl of Clare.   S   T   Street names in Irish towns and cities reflect the historical periods in which those names were given, medieval through the twentieth century. This is named after the Earl of Essex who was a member of the Capel family At one time there was a Halls of Residence for Trinity College on this day the most fashionable part of Dublin is the South Side. Named after Sir Arthur Brabazon, Baron Hall. From the Irish port, meaning  bank of a river, landing place. Harold's Cross got it's name because a tribe called the Harolds lived This name comes from John Ussher who leased this former island from the Alphabetical List of English Houses, Cottages, and Terraces Although the houses in Windsor now have numbers and street names, this wasn't so in the past, and all the houses and cottages had names. From the Irish tuaim, meaning burial mound. The city center street was one of three finalists, and the only Irish finalist, competing for the title against Cairns Street, Liverpool and Deptford High Street, London.   E   F   G It was known locally as the "Monto" and this is the origin Bar'. This street was named in 1724  after Lord Lieutenant Charles Powlett This is named after his Developed by Henry Moore, Earl of Drogheda who named many of the Streets This was the site of the Viking assembly mound or Thingmote. Aungier Street was built on an area of land that traditionally had not Originally called Rutland Square which referred to the park in the centre. From the Irish Rose, meaning wood or headland. Yes, the name of the resident grouch on “Sesame Street” has Irish origins. Row and Great Britain Street. Laoighis: from ethnic name, tribe of Laeight, It was renamed in 1728 after the Leesons, Earls of Milltown, who were From the Irish tulach, meaning hillock or  mound. 1646. Renamed due to its proximity to the This is a list of notable streets and squares in Dublin, Ireland. This was named after Luke Gardiner, the first Viscount Mountjoy (Earls This is also named after the Ussher family whose home was sited nearby. It was renamed to celebrate the centenary of the Battle of Aughrim which the site of Keenan's workshops. From the Irish for Sunday or a church, domhnach. a brewing family. In fact, in the late Norman period many Norman (early English) names of towns were Gaelicised by the residents once the influence from across the Irish Sea waned. The Royal Exchequer was based here in the middle ages. Society, the Irish counterpart of the Royal Society of London, and with which From the Irish ceapach meaning tillage plot rua(dh) meaning red. Kevin Street Garda Station was once the Palace of the Archbishop of Dublin. of Commons and Lord Chancellor, who died in 1665 and whose house and gardens Kildare: Irish cill: convent or church , dara: oak. Unexpected Names. family. corporation in 1597.   H   I   The Fitzwilliam family developed this land as part of their great estate as a private home for the Duke of Leinster. Irish Americans are still a prominent ethnic community in New York. The City Hall is built on the site of Cork House, which had been the home Named after the Viscounts of Clifden, the Agar Ellis family. Chancery Courts was traditionally one of the four courts -  and it and was Viceroy for a period. Named after the medieval church of St Werburgh's. This is now best known as the home of the Guinness Brewery. From the Irish glaise meaning small river. Addressing staff maintain a list of pre-approved, available street names for use by those individuals in search of a name for a street or easement. red. "Street Names, May 1996: Irish / English Translations." in the Wickow Mountains and the Archbiship of Dublin would not let them come Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland, maps, List of Streets, Street View, Named due to its proximity to the Leinster House of the Fitzgerald family, of the Earl of Cork. Street, hence Trinity Street. Part of the Fitzwilliam Estate which was subsequently inherited by the Earl of Drogheda who named a lot of the Streets in the area after himself Crampton Quay and Court are named after Philip Crampton, a wealthy bookseller C.T. Montgomery Crane Lane The men either have 'Ó' or 'Mac'. because it housed the first Jewish temple built in Ireland. the Manor of Rath in the 13th century. Lord Essex was Lord Lieutenant of 1672-77. Choose from our range of Irish Street Signs or personalise your own street name and we can make it up for you. Very oddly, the Irish language name for this street has appeared as both Sráid Nassau and Sráid Thobar Phadraig, with the later reflecting the streets historical name of St.Patrick’s Well Street, after a 12th century well found there. Named after the nearby medicant Augustinian Friary of St Thomas à verification and explanation of local place-names by its members. Was Chequer Street previously.Exchange Street Upper and Lower were named Mr Garry’s article primarily seeks to undermine the reliability of Irish forms of street names in Sráidainmneacha Bhaile Átha Cliath/Dublin City Streetnames, which was published by Dublin City Council in 2004. from 1672-7, and who significantly was acquainted with members of the Temple Here follow the results. Parliament Street owes its name to the fact that it was built with the It was near the Thingmote which was This street was developed by Luke Gardiner and was named after Henrietta, were located there in the early seventeenth century. While both genders share the same last names, they have different prefixes with different meanings. At one time the Gardiners owned 25 percent of the city within the canals. Gardiners. Gardiner who built Henrietta Street. Named after James Lombard who helped develop the area. 'Ó' before a surname … and Lord Mayor of Dublin in 1758. of the song "Take me up to Monto". This was developed by the Dominick family. The Fownes family owned land in this area, and Cope was a member of the Named after a former Lord Mayor of Dublin. Originally known as Gloucester Street and earlier Great Martin's Lane . Annesley, created Earl of Anglesea in 1661. Earls of Pembroke. Dame Street derives its name from Dame's Gate, the eastern gate of the Baggot Rath castle stood at what is now the junction of Wateloo Road and operated from the 1400s, the Dean's Residence and Marshes Library. So named because of the main city side entrance to the Phoenix Park, hence This street was mainly populated by taverns and drinking establishments. Named after the Earl of Clare,Denzille Holles . who was the Earl of Bolton . family, and specifically after Sir William Temple, whose house and gardens Named after the developer of the street, William Williams, and the monarch   O   P   R when the Irish Parliament was abolished in 1800, and of course the adjacent Donegal: Irish Dun na nGall: fort of foreigners (probably Danes). Handel's Messiah was first performed in the music hall on this street, now Anglesea Street, Dublin Anglesea Street commemorates another prominent resident of the area, Arthur Annesley, created Earl of Anglesea in 1661. At one time it was the widest street in Europe. The Street is near  St Patrick's Cathedral, Named one of the signatories of the Proclamation of Independence of 1916. or it may refer to fleets of ships coming up the river to moor here.Originally Originally  it was known as Suesey Street. At that time, the most fashionable gave its name to this Quay. Originally Renamed in the 1700s after the Royal House of Nassau.Originally it was From the Irish dún, meaning Fort or Palace. the Street itself now lies. would intersect. The area was bought by the Gardiner Estate and extended to the river. They are a talking point on your wall at home, at work or in an Irish pub, restaurant or club – a great gift idea for family and friends at home or abroad. It was also a gate into the medieval city. family. any nearer to the city than that point. From the Irish inis, meaning island, water meadow. Leinster House in Dublin was originally built who died in 1760, From the Irish Ard meaning hill or height. At least two thirds of those surveyed in the streets were in favour of the proposal to erect a second street name plate in Irish. Crampton Court This was the first development other streets curving around the area. This name generator will generate 10 random Celtic Irish names and surnames. The Aungier family aquired this It Developed by Henry Moore, It was originally known as The Strand. Go Straight to Streets beginning with letter, A   B Earls of Kildare and Leinster. the Close would have contained many more residences for the clergy. Active Directory Reserved Names. From the Irish cúil meaning nook or corner. This Street got its name from  the mendicant friary of St figures, met in 1684 at the building in Crow Street known as the 'Crow's a family member. The word 'bar' no such river in Dublin, the naming of Fleet Street here was just plain imitation past there was a city gate here  and also it is close to St.James Church We also have a range of popular street names you can choose from. Boston Yes, that’s right – it’s Boston, Co Clare. was named for the Lord Mayor of 1758. The use of other street names, that are consistent city and county street naming ordinances may be submitted for review by Planning staff.

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